清水墙分为清水砖墙和清水混凝土墙。一般来讲是指只有结构部分,不做任何装饰的墙面 。墙面不抹灰的墙叫清水墙,工艺要求较高,反之墙面抹灰的墙叫混水墙。
The fair faced wall is divided into fair faced brick wall and fair faced concrete wall. Generally speaking, it refers to the wall with only structural part and no decoration. The wall without plastering is called fair faced wall, which requires high technology. On the contrary, wall plastering is called mixed water wall.
The brick wall built with clear water has a high demand for bricks. First of all, the size of the brick should be uniform, the edges and corners should be clear, and the color should have texture. The price of this kind of brick is 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary brick. Secondly, the masonry technology is very particular, the mortar joints should be consistent, the internal and external corners should be sawn and polished, the joints should be tight and aesthetic, and the door and window openings should use arch, flower and other techniques.
One side fair faced wall is the inner side or the outer side of the wall. One side is the above process, and the other side is sprayed with paint or cement.